Monday, January 13, 2014

Adios España!

So I keep sitting down to write this last post to finish up the end of my trip, but every time I try I just can't get the words out. Might be partially because writing this last post makes it really real that it's over :( So, sorry about the delay, but here it is-to wrap up my amazing semester in Madrid. 

First off, I'll briefly summarize Milan. Court and I left on Friday morning, November 15th, and were there until Sunday the 17th. While we were there, we got to see the famous Duomo, which was absolutely breathtaking (left). We walked around the city, saw all of the famous expensive stores, the Castello Sforzesco (below), and the numerous neat looking buildings. Friday night we went to the canals- which was neat to see, but nothing like the canals in Venice I'm sure. We ate a ton of delicious Italian food- pizza, pasta, wine, and gelato...good thing I didn't study abroad in Italy, because I would have gained about 50 pounds. 

On Saturday we took a day trip to Lake Como, about an hour outside of Milan. We got extremely lucky with the weather, because even though it was the middle of November, it was sunny and all blue skies. We ate lunch right on the lake, walked around, and just had a nice relaxing day enjoying the gorgeous views. On Sunday we did a bit of shopping, walked around more, and then had to head to the airport. It was a really nice low-key weekend, and I'm very glad we got the chance to go see the city of Milan.

So the final trip I took was to Aix-en-Provence, the south of France, to visit Lee and spend Thanksgiving with him and Camille. I was able to find RyanAir tickets for only 30 euros round trip (yeah, that would never happen in America), and I left on Wednesday morning and didn't come back until Sunday night. It was an amazing trip- so great to see my friends from home. Made me miss home a bit less for Thanksgiving. Camille and I stayed with Lee at his apartment, and got to meet all of his roommates and see his little town. On Friday, we spent the day cooking an entire Thanksgiving dinner- complete with a turkey from the butcher, stuffing, sweet potatoes and marshmallows, fresh vegetables, green bean casserole, corn bread, mac n cheese, cranberries...I'm probably forgetting something. Oh, and wine. Because we can do that in Europe. 

It was really neat being in the town close to Christmas, because everything was decorated, and there were Christmas markets set up everywhere. We took a day trip to Marseilles on Saturday, where it was even more Christmas-y, and we got to see the city and the famous port and the ocean. Over the course of the time I was there I ate plenty of crepes and baguettes (taking note- France also would not have been a good study abroad decision food-wise haha). 

Spending 5 days in France was great- going out with Camille and Lee, seeing the cute city, getting into the holiday spirit, eating yummy food...but I must say that going back to Spain where they spoke a language I could at least somewhat understand was quite nice. :) 

Well, after I got home from my Thanksgiving trip, I only had about 2 weeks left in Madrid :( We made the most of the time we had left- went to the Prado (couldn't leave Madrid without going to the famous art museum...even though it definitely was not a highlight for neither me or Courtney haha), went to Sol and Gran Via to see the Christmas lights and decorations, went out for a few more Spanish lunches- complete with sangria and tortilla española of course, and went out with the group as much as we could for those last few nights. Oh, and we fit in there studying for/taking finals, writing papers, turning in homework, and packing. Needless to say, the last week or so was quite hectic.


All in all, my semester in Spain was one that I will absolutely never forget. Madrid has given me everything I could have imagined and more. I made so many unforgettable memories, made lasting friendships, seen countless breathtaking new places, and discovered more about myself and the world around me. Those were easily some of the best 4 months of my life, and I am so thankful that I had the opportunity to do this. I would recommend studying abroad to will honestly change your life. Thank you mom and dad for giving me the opportunity to do this!

Well, that is all....¡Adiós España! Usted tendrá siempre mi corazón <3