Thursday, September 19, 2013

Finally feeling like a local!

So, I know it has been a long time since I've posted something...I'm sorry!! Things have been busy. But I figure it's probably time to give an update :) of today, I have officially been in Spain for one month! That's so crazy to think about...the time has flown by. Classes are in full swing now- already have had quizzes, assignments, lots of reading, name it. Doesn't seem to be too much to handle though, so that's good. I don't have too much new exciting news, the past couple weeks we've just been exploring Madrid, meeting new people, and finding some new places. I finally am starting to feel like a local here- I know how to get around, where to go (more or less), and don't get lost as often. I'm really loving living here :)

So here's some of the main things we've done/gone to the past couple weeks:

  1. Parque del Retiro- You've probably heard of this park before, it's one of the largest and most popular in Spain. Its absolutely beautiful, and really does go on forever. Last weekend, we decided to go explore it, and it was a perfect gorgeous day to do so. There's a lot of fountains, monuments, cafes, sculptures...and a large lake right in the middle. We had lunch at one of the cafés right next to the lake...unfortunately the food wasn't that great, I think it was a pretty touristy place and not too authentic. But the view was nice and it was very relaxing. Here's some pictures...there were so many I had trouble choosing!

     Me and Alphie...for all my ADPi girls! <>

    Look at all the turtles!! I've never seen so many wild turtles before!

    One of the many beautiful fountains

    The main lake and central area of the park

    2. Puerta del Sol/Plaza de Santa Ana/Plaza Mayor- So we had been to Sol before, but hadn't really explored it too much, so last week we went back with a friend we met who was able to show us around more. It was so neat to see everything- walking around here, you never know what new historical site or beautiful old building you'll find. Even just the cobblestone streets, lined with cafés and little's all so different from anything in California. After walking around, we sat down in Plaza de Santa Ana (I laughed when I first heard that name...but believe me, it's nothing like Santa Ana, CA :)) and just ordered some sangria and watched all the people go by.

    Plaza Mayor

    The streets of Madrid :)

    An AMAZING chocolate dessert! ahh so yummy

    Plaza de Santa Ana

    3. Camille's Visit! So Camille got into Madrid on Sunday, and before she headed to Sevilla, she of course had to spend some time with me! We had a nice dinner out in Sol, where we shared some authentic Spanish food - tortilla española, paella, and sangria- and got to catch up. Afterwards, we met up with her group and Courtney and we all went out to a bar to just spend time together and have a fun night. It was nice seeing a familiar face, and I'm so happy she's here in Spain with me! <3

             4. Bars/Clubs- So of course I have to at least mention the update on bars/clubs last weekend we went to Kapital, one of the biggest and most well-known clubs in Madrid. It's 7 stories, all with different music and different types of dancing and everything. Had such a great time, came back on the metro at 6 am when it opened again, so the next day was filled with a lot of sleeping. But definitely worth the experience. We also went to this place known as the "Cave Bar", where their huge famous drink (which is milk mixed with sugar and a bunch of different types of alcohol and other things) comes out of the ceiling!!! It was crazy. Of course we had to get one and share. There have been some other fun nights of course- some themed nights at clubs, finding the places with free entry...etc. Don't have many pictures because I don't take my camera....don't want it to get stolen!!

Well, I know this was a short post, but I don't have much more time because I need to pack....we're leaving for San Sebastián tonight!! I'm so excited! Our bus leaves at 12:30 and gets there at 6 am-then we can't check in to the hostel until noon tomorrow. We get back at 12:30 Sunday night. Should be an interesting travel experience but hey, it's all part of the adventure! I will definitely have more to write about next time, after this weekend's trip. As always, thanks for reading....adiós!!

¡Viva España!

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